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Slawek Gajda
Public donations
405 zł
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Donation history
Dramatyczna ucieczka przed śmiertelną chorobą❗️Trwa walka o leczenie ostatniej szansy!
100 zł
12 January 2022
The situation is dramatic - every hour counts❗️ The cost of treatment may amount to PLN 1.5 million
50 zł
14 August 2020
The situation is dramatic - every hour counts❗️ The cost of treatment may amount to PLN 1.5 million
55 zł
05 July 2020
The situation is dramatic - every hour counts❗️ The cost of treatment may amount to PLN 1.5 million
50 zł
28 June 2020
The situation is dramatic - every hour counts❗️ The cost of treatment may amount to PLN 1.5 million
150 zł
17 March 2020