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Joanna Skibińska
Public donations
1,120 zł
Goals supported
Donation history
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Millions for a breath! Gosia is fighting for her life, help is urgently needed!
100 zł
13 May 2021
Mam 31 lat, 3 córeczki i raka. Błagam, pomóż mi przeżyć❗️
100 zł
29 April 2021
URGENT❗️ Niko’s in the clutches of a deadly disease! The most expensive medicine in the world can stop this death sentence!
90 zł
18 March 2021
URGENT❗️ Niko’s in the clutches of a deadly disease! The most expensive medicine in the world can stop this death sentence!
200 zł
15 January 2021
Skrzywdzona przez los, walczy o zdrowie... Ratujemy rączkę Martynki!
500 zł
30 December 2020
Birth with death sentence. We have not got much time to save Mikolaj’s life!
50 zł
22 September 2017
Emil can live - how much is his life worth?
50 zł
15 June 2016