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Paweł Janowiak
Public donations
7,925 zł
Goals supported
Funds raised
6,250 zł
Donation history
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WZNOWA❗️Zaczyna się koszmar, którego Franuś tak bardzo się bał...
20 zł
17 January 2024
The tumor in my leg will affect my physical abilities in the future. Please help me! I want to walk someday!
1 790 zł
27 November 2023
The tumor in my leg will affect my physical abilities in the future. Please help me! I want to walk someday!
60 zł
22 February 2023
The tumor in my leg will affect my physical abilities in the future. Please help me! I want to walk someday!
6 055 zł
20 December 2022
Biuro RM Nieruchomości wspiera Janka w walce z chorobą nowotworową
3,580 zł
Azja Challenge dla Janka etap 2
170 zł
Azja Challenge dla Janka etap 1
2,500 zł