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750 zł
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Funds raised
13,332 zł
Donation history
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Mikolaj is in danger! The fight for his life and the most expensive medicine in the world continues!
50 zł
18 January 2023
Mikolaj is in danger! The fight for his life and the most expensive medicine in the world continues!
20 zł
18 January 2023
Niedzielna Kawa z Mikusiem
20 zł
24 April 2022
Niedzielna Kawa z Mikusiem
20 zł
24 April 2022
Mikolaj is in danger! The fight for his life and the most expensive medicine in the world continues!
10 zł
20 April 2022
Ekipa Mikołaja Licytacje
20 zł
20 April 2022
Ekipa Mikołaja Licytacje
30 zł
20 April 2022
Ekipa Mikołaja Licytacje
15 zł
20 April 2022
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Licytacje dla Nadii
13,332 zł