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Publiczne darowizny
2,450 zł
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Historia darowizn
❗️ Zosia is fighting SMA. The most expensive drug is the only cure. We're fighting for a miracle.
40 zł
24 September 2020
❗️ Zosia is fighting SMA. The most expensive drug is the only cure. We're fighting for a miracle.
300 zł
23 September 2020
❗️ Zosia is fighting SMA. The most expensive drug is the only cure. We're fighting for a miracle.
450 zł
21 September 2020
Licytacje dla Zosi
550 zł
21 September 2020
❗️ Zosia is fighting SMA. The most expensive drug is the only cure. We're fighting for a miracle.
140 zł
18 September 2020
❗️ Zosia is fighting SMA. The most expensive drug is the only cure. We're fighting for a miracle.
80 zł
18 September 2020
❗️ Zosia is fighting SMA. The most expensive drug is the only cure. We're fighting for a miracle.
280 zł
17 September 2020
Licytacje dla Zosi
450 zł
17 September 2020
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